Upcoming events

Did you find the right event for you? Great, you can register here. If none of our current dates are quite right for you, please check back, as we will be continously adding new events (online and offline, in German and English)! If you'd like to be notified as soon as a new event is added, just send us an e-mail at klimawandel-gespraeche@protonmail.ch with the subject line "subscribe".

We offer two different types of events, our "basic format" focused on how you personally relate to climate change, and a "special edition" focused on interpersonal conflicts and communication around climate change:

Basic format: Climate Change Conversations

Our basic event format is an open conversation about how climate change matters for you personally. At these events, there is very little professional input, and lots of open space for you to fill with whatever is important to you. Our moderators are there to hold the space, provide structure, and make sure that everyone can safely speak their mind.

The next event in this format is taking place on:

22. September 2021

19:00 - 21:00 (official end; you can stay longer if you'd like)
Place: ETH Zürich*
Language: German
Moderators: Agnes & Mélanie

*vorläufig planen wir diese Veranstaltung offline, draussen im Park - je nach Pandemiesituation müssen wir aber auf die virtuelle Plattform Zoom umsteigen

SPECIAL EDITION: Focus on communication

We are also excited to offer special events that focus on the conflicts which can arise between friends, family, flat mates, partners etc. around climate change - for example regarding personal lifestyle choices, attitudes toward climate change, or political activity. You will have an opportunity to share and reflect on conflictual conversations you have experienced around this topic, and how you have experienced these, including possible feelings of frustration, anger or sadness. The moderators will then share some tips on communication that can improve the way we engage with others when discussing topics linked to climate change.

The next "special edition" events take place on:

28 June 2021


19:30 - 21:30
ZOOM (Link nach Anmeldung)
Sprache: Deutsch
Moderation: Fabienne & Annabelle

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